Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Give An Answer

While listening to a sports talk radio show early this morning, the two hosts were discussing the issue of steroids (again).  I didn't pay much mind to them, being tired and on my way to the gym until the point was given that most professional athletes would use performing enhancing drugs if it meant being able to reach that level or not, even knowing of the harm that they could cause.  He went on to assert that this action is wrong and is cheating but who could blame them?  After all, he surmised, we would do the same thing if put in that situation.  Basically, it is all right to cheat if everyone else does too.  The reasoning disturbed me on several levels.  In my own profession, I may not make as much per year as an NFL football player but it is in a well respected profession and I am grateful to be a member of it.  Through my educational years and even now there are times where I could have "cheated" or "gamed the system."  In fact, many have.  In no way does that make it right.  I think that there is a time when we must stand up and say, "enough is enough."  It is not "OK" to cheat.  I thought of Peter's words in the New Testament, "be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you" (1 Peter 3:15). I will not lower my standards because someone else has.  I think there are many more people out there that feel the same way I do.  I am proud of my children who come home from school and report on all the cheating they see and yet will not do so themselves.  If we have no integrity, we have nothing indeed.  My hope is in the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I know that it is in how we live that truly reflects what we believe.  If we walk in his paths, his light will be directed to our feet.  As Paul told the Romans, "All things work together for good to them that love God" (Romans 8:28).

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