Sunday, May 15, 2011

"That They Might Know Thee"

As a young teenager, one of my Sunday school teachers told us a hypothetical story that had a profound impact on me.  He told of us of a righteous man who died and found himself in a room sitting in front of man who asked him just one question, "What do you know of Jesus Christ?"  He stated that he didn't know much but he could remember from occasionally going to church that he was God's son.  He knew that he died on the cross and was born of Mary.  The man politely thanked him and ask him to go through a door on the other side of the room.  The next man to appear in the room was asked the same question.  He, being a leader in his church, had studied the scriptures extensively.  He talked of Jesus being foreordained by the Father before the foundation of the earth, of him offering to fulfill the Father's will and come to the earth as our Savior.  He described how he was chosen over Lucifer, who would receive all the glory by forcing all men to follow his will.  He described how his birth was proclaimed through the ages by prophets and later angels of glory.  He was able to talk of his life, the miracles that he performed, the parables that he taught, the love he portrayed.  He talked of his betrayal, his crucifixion and then of his glorious resurrection.  He talked of Jesus returning to earth in a glorious resurrected body and appearing to apostles and prophets, both ancient and modern.  He spoke of the prophecies of his return to the earth in great glory at his second coming.  In short, he knew all about Jesus.  The man at the table looked him in the eye, tenderly thanked him and asked him to exit through one of the doors.  Lastly, a humble man who struggled in life came to meet the man.  He had lost his wife and raised his children as best he could.  He struggled to overcome certain habits.  He was not much for public speaking.  He couldn't explain all things the previous man had but the scriptures had been a source of strength and peace.  He had spent many hours on his knees pleading for forgiveness, asking for support.  As he entered the room he saw the man, and being overcome, sank to his knees crying, "My Lord, My God." This man knew Jesus.

My teacher asked us, "Will you recognize Jesus when you meet him?"  The question has burned in my heart and mind for years and for a long time the answer was, "I don't think I could."  I had a longing to feel a closeness to him, to really know him, not just know of him.  I pondered, prayed and searched the scriptures to know him.  Those methods were all good but insufficient.  Through certain experiences in my life that I am not quite ready to share in the forum of a blog, I now know that when I am in the presence of Jesus I will know him.  I will recognize the feeling of being in his presence because though I have not seen him with my physical eyes, I have felt his arms of love wrapped around me, my soul has been filled by his spirit, the scales of darkness over my understanding have been lifted as his spirit have taught me things that I never before knew.  In the weeks to come I hope to share my thoughts and experiences through scriptural verses that talk of knowing the Lord.  I can think of nothing more important, for as he prayed to his Father, "And this is life eternal that they might know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent (John 17:3)."

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