Sunday, July 4, 2010

Costume Craziness

We were informed yesterday morning that we would be doing a full dress rehearsal in the evening for the first time. We were also told that the afternoon rehearsal was cancelled so we had an extra long break! We headed off to Fort Madison with the Brand family for lunch to celebrate. It has been really fun to have them in our cast along with the Bundersons from our stake. It is like having instant friends and we have loved getting to know them better. The afternoon was very relaxing and the early evening was full of braids, bobby pins, and hair spray as the girls worked very hard at getting the prescribed pioneer look down. Devin, Sterling and I just put on our hats! All in all, it was fun to see everyone in costume. As the stress of remembering what we are suppossed to be doing and where we are supposed to be lessens, we are now just having fun up there. In a recent district meeting we talked about what it was that we do on the stage. One person said that we are telling the story of the Saints in Nauvoo. That pertains to both the ones who lived here in the 1800's as well as the ones right now-us. As I thought about it, we are also telling the story of all of those who come watch as well. We all have our own stories, but we all need the Savior who has given us prophets and the priesthood authority to bind us as family units in the eternities. Along the way we have struggles and trials, but the joy of living the gospel of Jesus Christ carries us through.

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