Friday, August 27, 2010

Happy Birthday, Gina!

Having celebrated our 22nd year anniversary this month and now both of us being 44, we have now been married for half of our lives. Big whoop? Well, we are excited about it. To celebrate Gina's birthday, the boys and I decided to make her a nice dinner. Sterling, our Norwegian Pancake maker was very enthusiastic about doing a crepe dinner for her. Devin wanted to have several courses and they both volunteered to be waiters and servers for our dinner for two. Stopping by the store on my way home from work, Sterling gave me the shopping list. We had to figure out what pimentos were but then couldn't get the lid off so we never used them anyway. A few other items were secured and I was on my way home. The boys were already hard at work. Sterling had the crepes going and Devin was busy making cookies. I started in on the filling and in about 5 minutes we received a phone call that Rachael had been hit with a stick at field hockey practice and needed stitches over her eye. With some trepidation in my heart, I left Devin and Sterling alone with three active burners on the stove, a crepe maker in action and not a spare inch on any of the counters. I pretty much stayed in constant phone contact with Devin. Rachael indeed needed stitches so I took her to the hospital. Gina went back home and took Sterling to soccer practice so Devin was left to finish up. By the time Rachael and I got home the boys had everything ready. The table was set for two, complete with sparkling cider, candles, cloth napkins and servers in dress shirts and ties. Our first course was a very nice strawberry salad. We were then given broccoli cheese soup (which I didn't even know was on the menu). A most delicious chicken and pea crepe dish was our main course, followed by strawberry chocolate crepes for dessert. It was extremely well presented and tasted fabulous. Great job boys! The hour it took me to do every dish that we own in the house was worth it.

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