Saturday, December 11, 2010


I have been thinking a lot about Joseph, the man called on to raise the Son of God. I've been carving a figure representing him and had the opportunity to do so at our church's annual "Creche and Carol" event last weekend. It has given me time to contemplate the little we know of him. I truly believe he was a special man and a good father. We do know that he came from the house of David since they had to travel to Bethlehem to be accounted. His lineage was royal. I can imagine that learning that his espoused wife was pregnant came as a great shock. I think he understood and accepted that early on, receiving the angelic visitation explaining his situation. I imagine that his family and friends were not so accepting. I am sure he must have had family in Bethlehem with accommodations and yet he and Mary traveled on donkey and could not find a place to stay. He stood by Mary even taking her and Jesus out of the country to Egypt when his life was in danger. I love Joseph and hope to know more of the man some day.

His very name reminds me of another Joseph who was ridiculed for having claimed to received angelic visitations and being led by God. Is it so crazy to think that God would act today just as He did when announcing the coming of his Son to the earth? I have read that one definition of an angel is a messenger sent from God. I am surrounded by angels and am grateful for the influence of good people inspired to bless my life. I have felt the protection and guidance of others, yet unseen by my eyes. It is the gospel of Jesus Christ that is their message, a message that rings as clear and true today as when it was declared by angels to the shepherds of old.

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