Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Social Connecting

Social distancing is the new buzz word.  Flattening the curve for the virus will save our health care system and by so doing, save lives.  I hope that most of you truly understand how critically important this process is. My wife came across an idea in our neighborhood where each family was invited to put a stuffed bear in one of their windows so that when kids went on a walk they could go on a “bear hunt.”  What a fun idea. My daughter discovered a post from someone who found herself rushing to her front window every time she saw someone walk by so that she could wave to them.  “Now I know why dogs act the way they do!,” she exclaimed.

At the office we started using video in more earnest this week and especially today.  For some people-the younger ones, this is quite natural and easy. Now mind you, many of my patients grew up in a different generation.  The idea of video conferencing is like teaching an old dog new tricks.  Today when asking one of my patients if her phone could do that she said, “I am 87 years old, my phone may do that but I don’t!”  We decided to stick with just voice and it worked fine.

Today I had a patient with a bad sore throat.  Of course it would have been best to see and examine him in person but I managed to have him tilt his camera just right so I could see back there and determine that his tonsils were indeed, not enlarged and less likely to be from strep.  Another patient was able to show me a boil that required an antibiotic. I was event sent some pictures of a rash and could determine that indeed this individual had shingles as diagnosed in the urgent care.  There are limits, though.  One woman described a lump to me that was “down there.”  Smiling, I said, “I am not going to ask you to stick your phone down there to show me.”  She laughed and said, “Oh, no, my booty is much too big for that!”  We both had a good laugh.

Tonight I met over Zoom with our Stake President and we planned how to adapt our “Come, Ask, See” meeting for technology. It is geared for those interested in learning more about our church and was planned for this Sunday.  We are going to try and do a large Zoom meeting which will allow everyone to stay put and stay safe.  If you are interested, I’ll post the information once it has been finalized.

We are blessed to live in an age where we can socially connect with others even as we keep our distance.  How are you keeping in touch with the ones you love?

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