Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Crowned Prince of Peace

 Being on call, I cover 10 doctors for the weekend.  Last night there was a flurry of activity with six people being admitted to the hospital. Two for possible COVID. The dedicated floor is getting more and more patients on it but thankfully we still have capacity.  I am on the other floors and am grateful for those that are willing to work with the COVID patients.

The day went smoothly. The mood in the hospital is somber but cordial.  A smile goes a long way. There is a sense that we are all in this together. The unspoken truth is that we know that there are some among us who will get sick and there may be some that succumb to the illness.  A part of me wishes that I could just get a mild form so that I could become immune.  That is a very small part because even routine colds tend to linger due to a history of childhood asthma.  I like to think I am quite healthy and have stayed in good shape. Though that is true, but I am closer to 60 than many of my colleagues.  I would love to just get the vaccine some day.

Seeing the news is sobering. We all see what is happening in the big cities across America.  I feel a thud in the pit of my stomach. So much of this could have been avoided.  We missed a huge opportunity to reign this in. I don’t know what happened that our ability to test is so much worse than other countries.  I assumed since South Korea and China could test so many people that as soon as we saw cases here, we would be able to do the same. I was dismayed that we had access to so few tests. Now our country is paying the price for this huge mistake.

I still have faith that bright days will come again but it will be after much tribulation.  A welcome package was left on my door step today, a box full of isolation gowns. There are so many good people in this world.  My faith remains intact. We start our fast for this Corona stricken world tonight.  The virus may have been given this royal name of Corona, but I will place my faith in He who wears the Father’s crown, the Prince of Peace, the King of Kings, the Great Emmanuel. He sits on the right hand of our Father.  He is our Advocate, our Redeemer, our Deliverer, our All.

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