Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Deep Breaths

Every now and then it is good to step back and take a deep breath.  My night was spent tossing and turning and waking up far too early but for the first time in two weeks, I did not have to go into the hospital today.  All my hospitalized patients had been sent home.  Even before Corona, this is quite rare.  As such, I was able to stay home and do all me “telemedicine” visits here.  My team and I at the office have gotten a bit more organized with how we do this.  Last week, I was calling the patients on my own, seeing about getting them on some sort of video platform, going through all the things that my medical assistant would usually do for when patients are brought back to a room.  It seems like it took more than 15 minutes before I could even ask how they were doing.

This week we have gotten more efficient. Now my assistant does the leg work and she let’s me know when I can give them a call and what platform they find the easiest.  Since I can mostly focus on their health and their concerns as opposed to all the technicalities, the visits go more smoothly.

I am slated to do my first hospital ICU shift at the end of next week after 3-4 others have already done theirs. I’ll be able to learn from their experience. I feel much more calm about the whole situation for now.  Every day seems to bring a new twist or challenge though so we’ll adapt and change as needed.  

I did have to confront my own mortality today but not as you might expect.  There is nothing like trying to keep up with your twenty year old son on a bike that makes you realize you “ain’t what you used to be.”  I used to be able to take him on the hills-not any more! It was fun to get outside and be with him again even if he takes my breath away.

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